verfasst von: Stig Almskar 250hp in 3,6l ?? - 26.03.2004 11:31
I believe that my 3,6l V8 has 250 hp, is that right?
Someone told me, that this engine also was given 268hp or something. If that is right, what do I have to do, to get those 18 ekstra horsepowers?

One last thing, is there any simple and non/lowe-cost moves I can make to get some ekstra power? I'm starting to get tired now, want more power!

verfasst von: René W. Re: 250hp in 3,6l ?? - 06.04.2004 09:29

Yes the V8 3.6l has 250hp! If you want more performance, you can install another chip into the Engine!
You find something at Ebay!

Greeting René
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