verfasst von: Hans Hoekstra central lock does not work... - 18.11.2011 09:07
the central lock does not work on my 93 V8 3.6. The key can not open or close the car, and also by putting the key in the car doors won't work.
Does anyone now how to proceed?
I am going to replace the batteries in the keys, but I think that's not the solution. Somewhere else in the forum I read that the control unit for the central lock is under the rear seats (right side). How can I find out which unit it is and how to check it?
greetings from Holland,
verfasst von: Eric Nap Re: central lock does not work... - 18.11.2011 04:39
Hello Hans,

Wellcome and good luck with your V8.
As you already indicate yourself, the batteries are not the problem, since turning the key in the driversdoor also does not seem to work.
How is your German? We have a good Search funktion, with obviously more leads in German than in English.
In German search for "Zentralverriegelung" or "ZV". I am sure there is a lot of material on this.
And yes, the control unit should be close to the battery.


P.S. Where in the Netherlands do you live? I am from there as well, and sometimes I come over for a visit.
verfasst von: Hans Hoekstra Re: central lock does not work... - 19.11.2011 04:20
Hi Eric,
well, I also tried to find topics in German, but I will have a closer look at the 'ZV' coming week. Thanks for the advice.
I live in the Leiden region. Originally I come from the northern part of Holland, where I had a collegue with your last name.
BTW what V8 do you own yourself?
kind regards,
verfasst von: Eric Nap Re: central lock does not work... - 19.11.2011 05:46
Hi Hans,

If the North means Bergen/Alkmaar region, that is possible, since my fathers family is from Bergen. In Friesland/Groningen I am not aware of any family.

Mine is an Indigo blue (common colour) 4.2 from march 1993. It should be in the "Car DB" . I got it from Freiburg. The V8 was never sold overhere in Portugal, they only started with the (aluminium) A8.

verfasst von: Don W Re: central lock does not work... - 22.11.2011 06:39
Hello Hans!
I'm a new member myself but if I'm not mistaken, the door locks are actuated by vacuum, not electrically. At least that's what I think for the 1990 model year. I have a service manual and I'll look up what I can find and be in touch...
Don W.
verfasst von: Mark Hanman Re: central lock does not work... - 23.11.2011 12:36
Vacuum unit, right side, under corner of the seat base. Right next to the battery. If the battery has been out for any reason, then check that the vacuum unit has been plugged back in properly. In fact, check anyway. Mine wasn't, and was operating intermittently.
Not sure which fuse it is, but then, it may be a little different compared to a UK car.

If the vacuum unit is running, then start searching for leaks.

There should be actuation from both front doors. Inside and out. Although I can't double check that bit right now, as my car is a few thousand miles away...
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