hello to all
well im going to jump straght in at the deep end and ask for help with this
as stated above i have a 1994 audi s4 quattro 4.2V8 32valve with a 6speed gearbox
i bought the car with the origonal idea of selling it on for a profit but unfortuatly the 6speed gearbox has failed
now ive had people looking for a second hand gearbox all over the uk, spain, sweeden and some parts of germany and ive found nothing
theres nobody capable in spain and most in the uk arent interested
so if any body can tell me what other gearboxs i can use and will fit on to this block id be very very very GRATEFUL
the reason i ask is because i am hoping to return to the uk soon so i need to fix the car and sell it on as soon as possible
hope somebody has the answer to this F##K##g NITEMARE JOB
thanks in advance
ps the car is left hand drive