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#37891 08.09.2003 07:36
I just wonder if there are any swedish V8-drivers here?
Please answer!

#37892 14.09.2003 08:25
Hej, jag är ägare till en Audi V8 -91
och som du ser är jag svensk.

#37893 15.09.2003 11:06
Hoppas det är ok att skriva på svenska här bara.
Jag funderar på att själv åka ned till Tyskland och köpa en V8 -93 4.2 alternativt en 5-växlad 3.6
Hur länge har du haft din och vilka erfarenheter har du fått av den?

#37894 29.09.2003 08:45
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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One more Swede , but I think it´s better we use English , It should´t be so nice if we should try reading Japaneese here !

By the way , it´s a nice car wen it runs ok , but awful when it don´t !


Hi Bengt!
I haven´t owned a V8 yet but for once in my life I´m ready to take the risk that buying an old, advanced luxury car is.
I´ve been looking around for a manually geared 4.2 l. for some time now and there are a couple of them in Germany of course. What model do you have and did you import it?

#37896 30.09.2003 10:27
Hi !
I have an -92 4,2 auto 230kkm . Imported from Germany a couple of owners ago , one owner in Germany. It is in a good condition but i have some trouble with it , mostly electrical from power windows.
Before you buy one , try severeal of them so you know how they are and check so EVERYTHING works ok. Don´t buy any yunk , it will cost you so much mony and trouble.

#37897 01.10.2003 09:51
Yes, I will look at any potential objects with very critical eyes. Minor scratches on the cars paintwork is ok, as long as the engine/transmission/electrical systems/suspensions etc. works 100%. As I have understand, the 4.2 litre engine from early years consunes some oil. Have you noticed this?

#37898 10.12.2003 11:56
Yes it says also in the owners manual that the Audi V8 engines can consume oil and it`s natural, no defect, a normal oilconsumption is up to 1,5 liters per 1.000 kilometers, not necessarily, but it is possible, that means you should check the oil-level from time to time! When changing oil in the engine count on almost 10 liter HIGH-QUALITY-oil to pour in the engine=pretty expensive, but it`s a MUST!!!

My best advise for those who want to buy such a car is TAKE YOUR TIME and CHECK everything with the car! First of all make sure the service-intervals are documented and done, take the owners manual and take your time to read it side by side and check everything, all options and equippment, remenber that even a defect that seems to be just a piece of cake, if you want to repair it or change that part it will cost you a FORTUNE! How about a broken side-mirror? Guess what!? In Sweden they will charge you about 50 EUROS, and that is just for the mirror-glass, and not the whole mirror!!!
If the catalysator is malfunctioning, which some owners who "just bought" imported Audi V8, experience at the BILPROVNING/TÜV-station, that will cost you in Sweden about 1.700 EUROS, if you don`t change them, you will not be allowed to drive with the car.
The car has seldom problems with the rust/corrosion, however the exhaust-pipeline can be coroded, which means there are NO pirat-parts to this model, and you`ll have to buy original parts, that is if you can`t repair the holes, that is Audi in Sweden will charge you with approx. 500 EUROS per part, that means at least 3 parts, the end-part, the middle-part, and the front-middle-part=1.500 EUROS!("GRENRÖR" NOT INCLUDED!)

The electric-power-windows have a complicated construction and by time they can be "used" and be defective, it`s just regular corrosion and fatigue of the materials, and Audi in Sweden will charge you approx. 700 EUROS to change 1 electric-power-window-control!

Changing camshaft in Sweden on this model varies between 700 and 1.200 EUROS depending on which Audi-verkstad you are leaving your car at for this service to be fixed. If camshaft brakes than You`ll end up with a totally useless car and a new engine will cost you more than the car itself!

Be attentive with the gearbox, some models can have problems, and that means also a reparation towards 5.000 EUROS in the worst case! Manual gearboxes are oftenly MORE exhausted and used than automatic, because of "SPORTY-DRIVING" which also is a harder usage than "normal-driving". My advize is take a model with automatic gearbox!

Also the QUATTRO-traction has to be viewed by professionals, because if something is malfunctioning it costs a FORTUNE to repair.
Best advize buy a car that has also automatic leveling control"NIVÅREGLERING", better comfort and stability on the road!

Leave the car at an M-station and let them check the compression of the engine, some cars run only on 7 cylinders;-)
That would be a shame, don`t you agree?

Test the car on a longer trip for example driving some 50 kilometers or more and listen to all noises, or lack of noises, be attentive if the car is tending to turn off the road("DRAR") to the left or to the right, it should be adjusted...and it is also a question of money. It should be neutral of course!
Check the climatecontrol very-very carefully, also that it really works so it blows cold air, best to do it wintertime in a garage, or in a parking-house and you turn the device to "LOW" and let it blow for some minutes, check eventually the AC-pump in the motorcompartment, that should be cold and condensed with water on the surface. Check the heating as well, and the heating in the seats, and the heating in the outside mirrors-pour some water on the mirrors and turn on the "DEFRISTERKNAPP PÅ INSTRUMENTBRÄDAN", not the airconditiondefrost! The outside mirrors should dry in a couple of minutes!

Check that the lightsreflector-wipers in the front"VINDRUTETORKARNA PÅ LYKTORNA FRAM" are functional!

Check the oil-level, let M-station check the oil in the gearbox, and they can also check the condition of the camshaft, and they will tell you if it is in mint condition, or if it is soon time to change it!

Check all those over 50 lights/bulbs on the car that should be functional.

Check the handgloves-compartment lights, they tend to brake often and on many models, annoying little detail, but if you wanna fix that little plasticlight it will cost you around 50 EUROS to change it!

Check the brake`s condition "PANIKBROMS", the var should still stear straight ahead and not to the right or left when braking hard!


Make sure that the owner has ALL the BESIKTNINGSPROTOKOLL/TÜV-papers from the very first day of the car, because the instrument-panel on the dashboard brakes on many models, and of course if they will be changed they will show lower mile/kilometers than the car actually has run, and the only way to check this is by comparing all the papers from the yearly tecnical controls made by TÜV, or BILPROVNINGEN. By the way it costs about 1.000 EUROS to change such an instrument-panel!
The Audi V8 is so massively built so just judging it from the shape and looks you won`t be able to see difference between one that has run 200.000 kilometers and one that has runned 380.000 kilometers. Nothing wrong with a car that has runned over 300.000 kilometers as long as ALL services and reparations can be documented!!! I`d rather buy such a car than 1 that shows 170.000 kilometers and NO papers, or just some of the papers!!!

Non-functioning airconditionsystem and climatecontrol costs around 1.000 EUROS to repair, or more!

Changing brakes on the car costs around 1.000 EUROS!

If brake-pipes, brake-oil leadings are damaged, corroded it will cost you around 2.000 EUROS or more to repair at Audi in Sweden!

Fuel-pipes, leadings just the material costs about 500 EUROS if you`ll have to change them, these are things the BILPROVNINGEN/TÜV in Sweden checks at the yearly control.

If handbrake is non-functional, most likely it means that you will also have to change the "BROMSOK" at the rear-wheels, and just 1 "BROMSOK" costs 500 EUROS!!! Plus the handbrakewires! Plus the work with all of it, that is if you can`t do it yourself!

When battery brakes, it is a special battery you can use only, in Sweden this means for a "pirat-copy-battery" about 150 EUROS, and for a Quality-brand battery about 300 EUROS, and forget "BILTEMA", the only parts they have to this car is light-bulbs;-)

Some other typical Audi V8 problems that occur by time probably with all of them is the SERVO-STEARING-OIL-PUMP that brakes, it`s just a question of WHEN?..and such a repair cost about 1.400 EUROS.

Etc....the list is looooong and if you would have to buy the whole car in parts 100.000 EURO would not be enough probably;-)

If you are lucky you can maybe find used parts that are tested and these parts are of course much cheaper at "BILDEMONTERINGEN", however if you can`t do the job yourself, at the Audi service it is "SPECIAL-PRICE" when it comes to repair such a car, that means it cost the double compared to what they would charge you for repairing just a regular Audi model!!!

Finally the insurance of such a car...the cheapest insurance company I´ve found is called LÄNSFÖRSÄKRINGAR, but no matter what the car is in the most expensive insurance-class!

On the other hand if you find one Audi V8 that is in MINT CONDITION, be prepared to pay more than 5.000 EUROS for such a car, than you really will own one of the world`s best cars, no matter what if it comes to safe driving, or FUN-driving, the car will most likely feel like a "NEW CAR"...and that for many years if you will be taken care of it!
The ones that are sold for around 3.000 EUROS or cheaper BE CAREFUL!...something is not quite right with them, or the owners know that very soon they will have problems with the car, and they also know that it would cost them alot, so they often decide it`s better to sell them "cheaper"...but than again, buying one Audi V8 for 3.000 EUROS and just after a while having to repair it for another 2.000 EUROS, that means it`s wiser to buy one that is a littlebit more expensive, anyway over 5.000 EUROS, and DO CHECK that car BEFORE you buy it!!! It has so many "EXTRA-STUFF" that if you are careful and check by the owners manual than it will probably take you at least 3 hours!!! But hey! 3 hours can save you a lot of money and trouble so, my advize: TAKE YOUR TIME!!!

#37899 04.01.2004 01:29

Here's another Swede with a -92 V8, runs good but consumes oil. About 1 l./2000 km. but that's normal!!

#37900 22.02.2004 01:31
Ytterligare en V8-ägare anmäler sig.
Har en V8 4,2l - 94 och måste säga att jag är mycket nöjd. Det är otroligt mycket bil för pengarna. Jag hittade min här i Sverige men det är en import. Köpte den på Europe Bilcenter i Söderköping ( www.ebc.nu) och de kan ta hem en åt dig om du frågar dem. Jag gav 80' + 2' för en VIP-försäkring. Den innebär att jag fick 2 års garanti på motor och växellåda under förutsättning att jag använder 76 Lubricants olja och servar bilen regelbundet.
Ett fint ex får man ge ca 6' - 7,5' Euro för i Tyskland och sen kostar det att ta in bilen i Sverige så jag tycker nog att jag har gett et humant pris med tanke på att jag kunde vara lugn med garantierna jag har.
Har hört en massa olika exempel på bränsleförbr. men min drar ca 1,2 l/mil blandad körning, på landsväg kommer jag under litern så, med tanke på att det är en V8 får man väl vara nöjd, det är definitivt värt det.
Jag har nu haft bilen i 2 år och det ända är att den drar lite olja men det är tydligen vanligt.
Hoppas att du har hittat en och att du är nöjd.



#37901 25.06.2004 11:00

You guys seem to know about the Audi V8, so maybe you can help me. I'm also a Swedish owner of an Audi V8 4.2, in my case a 1993 model. I'm desperatly searching for a trailerhitch (anhängerkopplung, dragkrok). Do you know were I can find one, new or used, in Sweden or Europe?

#37902 25.06.2004 12:06
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Annhanger kupplong: Just check the "markplatz" Link. there are 2 advertisements there.

#37903 26.06.2004 06:24
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You can get one from VAG in Sweden , it`s made by VGB and takes 1700kg , cost aprox. 6000SEK

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