The Oxygen sensor has 3 Wires .

2 in White (Heating)

and 1 in black (data to Eprom) . Take out this One Wire Cableconecting

The Spark-amplifter has an Thermofuse of the plate where the Amplifter is . check the Funktion .

The fault RPM Sensor is normally if the engine is not running .

Take direktly the 12 volts on the Spark amplifter . an show whats happen..after 5 minutes . Also look the elektrical Power when the engine runs ...from Start till the end there in the moment when get off also 12 Volts or more ??

My English is not so the past i must learn russian now .

Change the Relais for the Fuelpump... there is an Safety logik inside ...when the engine stops in the same Time the Spark get off .

And you can take an other HAL sensor to test .

in the right Bank (zyl 1.4) you have an Hal sensor in the back of the Head .There are one connecting Plugin with 3 Wires . Change the kompletly Spark-Changer (Verteiler) ...

When i can stand in Front of your Car ...this was a Thing about 5 minutes for me.

Where do you came from ??? Iám from Heidelberg in Germany . To Strassborg i have 200 km .

V8 erbarme Dich !