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Hello everybody,
Happy owner of an Audi 100 (type 44), I'm searching now to buy a V8 one, 4.2 liter if it's possible. What are details to verify on that model during buying, what are prices for model in good condition of year 90?
In France it's too difficult to find a V8, moreover in good condition, so I'm searching in Germany, Belgium maybe...
Thank you for replying

Audi 100 2.2 liter turbo, 1984, 240 HP
Registriert seit: May 2005
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first of all congratulations for chossing to buy an V8. It is a very reliable car providing a lot of fun to the driver when maintained and taken care of regularly.

The most important thing to look for is the time belt changing interval. For the 4.2 it's all 120.000km, for the 3.6 all 90.000km. When this is done by Audi, it is quite expensive (ca. 1200€ -1300€ I guess). Keep that in mind, when buying a car and this has to be done. Try to find a car with a full service history. This might be a bit complicated because even the youngest V8 are about 13 years old right now.
Rust is no real problem with a V8 apart from the area behind and above the rear bumper. Look between the body of the car and the chrome border. Chances are that you'll find some rust there, since this is a typical problem. Moreover it will be hard to find a V8 with no rust there ;-)
Personally it would try to find a car with low mileage, but it is no problem to buy a car with even more than 200.00km when it has full service.
Check all the electronic gadgets inside the car. Ask for the oil consumption. Normal is up to one liter per 1000km. Another thing is the steering. Check that it does not leak any liquid.
These are the most critical and important things to take care of. Besides those, there are the normal things when buying a used car like shock absorbers and the like.
The normal price for a V8 reaches from about 3500EUR up to 5000EUR, depending on the condition. Take a special look when the offered car is way cheaper. It is said by many drivers here that a V8 always costs about 5000EUR, whether this is the price for a good V8 or the price for a "notsogood" V8 plus repairs.
When you are looking for a 4.2, it will become very hard to find one from 1990, since it has been invented in late 1991 ;-) But for the price this does not really matter, because the year of manufacture is not really the crucial factor.

Hopefully this helps you when trying to find a good car.

Good luck

P.S.: More information can be found under "Kaufhilfe" in the navigator on the left. Since it is only available in german, you might have to find someone who is able to read it.

Registriert seit: Jul 2006
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Registriert seit: Jul 2006
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Hello, Roman
Thank you for all information about V8, i know now what are details to see and survey. A friend of mine is a specialist of Audi 44 (100 and 200 and V8), so it's easy for me to take care of that wonderful car...if I'll find it :-)
It's really difficult to find a V8 in good condition, moreover I'm searching for 4.2 liter with a MANUAL gearbox, to complicate the research :-) In France those cars are too rare, so I'm looking in Germany and Belgium (sites like autoscout24 for example), but without any knowledge of German language it's difficult for me. May be I'll try to go directly in Dutchland for a week in order to search one.
Thank you again for your help

Zuletzt bearbeitet von kanterezza france; 31.07.2006 08:25.

Audi 100 2.2 liter turbo, 1984, 240 HP
Registriert seit: May 2005
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Ah I see.

Maybe it is a good idea to look in Switzerland, as well. The cars from there are known for their good condition, although they are not the cheapest ;-)
Additionally they speak french, at least in some parts, and it is not so far away from France.


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This site has a very comprehensive buyers guide here. Unfortunately, it is in German ONLY. I have run the text through a translation program and tried to smooth out the most obvious errors with my limited french. If you want this in french, send me an e-Mail (I will NOT post the here as it`s really not good)

There`s other V8 owners in France/french-speaking people registered in this forum: him, him and him come to mind. Maybe contact them directly if you have questions answerable only in french....

Some points pertaining to owning a V8 in France:
  • The V8, especially the 4.2, has outrageous insurance costs in France - my 6-speed is rated at 23 (!) CV, the 3.6 has 18 CV. That will make finding insurance hard, more so if you happen to be young....
  • The car is extremely rare in this country (prix neuf: 600.000F). That has some disadvantages when it comes to servicing it. Audi "garages" in France generally have no fu****g clue about this car (excuse the language, but I`ve had my share of experiences). Fortunately, I can have my cars serviced in Germany.... Finding an independent garage with experience in your area is a must if you can`t work on the car yourself.
  • These cars are easily stolen - get an immobilzer and top alarm system! This adivce also comes from personal experience - one theft and three break-in attempts within 18 months of living in France with the V8; they know me by name at Carglass now.... :mad
  • The "procedure d`importation" at the service des mines is a major PITA. I would strongly advise you to buy a car in Germany that has been left mostly original (brakes, wheels) and has NOT been converted to run on LPG (you`d have to yank the installation) or there will be problems.

If you have any questions regarding importing a V8 into France, just ask. I have done this twice before (no, mine is not for sale...)

Registriert seit: May 2004
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Registriert seit: May 2004
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merci de penser a moi

tres bonne idée que l achat d une V8. ca devient vehicule de collection. c'est tellement rare. ca c'est vendu a environ 50 vehicules par an en france. Le plus cher c'est l entretien, car elle possede beaucoup de pieces specifiques.
si tu achetes en allemagne, surtout verifie que rien ne soit noté sur la CG ( verte chez les allemands) sinon ca va etre chiant a faire immatriculer.

bonne recherche, et a bientot en V8

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Registriert seit: Jul 2006
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Thank for details, I'd like you to send me the buyers guide you are talking about, my mail adress is deniss@club-internet.fr, thank you.

I'll try to contact french car owners... I find today a 3 liter V8 to sell on ebay France, only 2000 euros with 280 000 kilometers (my Audi has 345 000), but automatic gearbox. I contacted the sellor, but I'm not sure he take care of the car in the past.

I know the difficulty to find ensurance for that car, it's really hard and expensive, no many compagnies want to ensure that kind of cars.

About audi garages in France: when I come with my 23 years old Audi 100, last week, in one of them, people tried to sell me a new A6, because they can't find some pieces I asked for my car, even used. And they didn't wanted to change even oil on it and do some checks because they were afraid to broke something and be enable to repare. Fortunately, I have a friend of my who just bought his own garage, and he is specialist of all 44 type (100, 200, V8), so it will be easier now.

I didn't know that these cars are easily stolen, thank you, I'll take care of it also.

I'd like to import the car from Germany or another europe country, but doesn't know at all the procedure. How long is it taking, how much it costs?

Thank you again for your help


Audi 100 2.2 liter turbo, 1984, 240 HP
Registriert seit: Jul 2006
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Registriert seit: Jul 2006
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C'est vrai que c'est une voiture exceptionnelle, un ami m'a fait un tour un jour, et je me suis dit que... j'ai passé par la 200 d'abord, ensuite la 100, et maintenant je veux essayer le vaisseau amiral -enfin.
C'est vrai que il faut s'y connaitre, en V8 pour acheter un véhicule sans trop de surprises dés le départ, c'est pour cela que j'ai d'abord commencé à chercher de l'information avant de me décider pour l'achat.
Je m'oriente plus vers l'Allemagne en effet, car en France le choix est bien maigre... et les occasions sont plutôt chères.

J'éspère très bientôt rouler dans une V8, ce serait un excellent cadeau d'anniversaire pour la trentaine.


Audi 100 2.2 liter turbo, 1984, 240 HP

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