Wait wait..I said only the rear spoiler for the moment!

Please read my first posting carefully.

I also want to add that:---->
-This is not a group buy nor does anyone have to pay anything at this time.
-YES..These will fit the Audi 100 and 200 cars
-The posting in this forum was purely intended to get the attention of the V8 community first.
-The price details I have given are NOT FIXED I SAY AGAIN>>ARE NOT FIXED..
-My intention is to get as big of interest as possible in this project and then with the approximate numbers I will put together I will then produce a small series.
-IMPORTANT!!! the more people I get that are interested the more likely this will be built..
-The front spoiler will come only later BUT ONLY after the rear spoiler is succesfull!!!!

I am paying this out of my own pocket AGAIN!!! the last projects I did were already high risk and I am still paying for them...so this time I am being more carefull.

Please people round up as many people around the world as you can for this (Australia, Russia, US, Canada, Germany, France, Poland, Holland, UK...etc..etc.) write to people and get there attention!

I do not have time all day to surf the web and forums to post this stuff ...I am just a designer and engineer with the know how to do this stuff...my time is spent developing these ideas...NOT SELLING THEM...

With best regards,
Paul Fernandes