I've seen some recent discussion regarding ABT chips, and the differences between the fuel injection systems of the ABH and PT engined cars.

PT engines are described as Batch-fire. i.e pairs of injectors being fired at the same time.
ABH have been described as sequential, and the inference being that all 8 injectors are fired independently. I haven't really noticed any significant difference in the diagnostic methods to demonstrate this.
Could anyone comment?

Also, that the PT setup uses the closed and WOT switches, instead of the throttle potentiometer. Bu seemingly, both versions are using the same components.

It seems odd to me that Audi would not incorporate improvements of engine management of the larger ABH engine, into the only slightly smaller PT version. Surely commonality would have been better satisfied if both systems were the same?

Another curious areaa is the interaction between the ECU/TCU of the ABH cars. the PT versions seemingly more independent, and therefore not being unduly affected by EPROM changes in the ECU, or manual transmission swaps.

Why is this of importance?

I have 2 cars.
My silver car, which is running the original PT electronics, an ABT chip, and a 4.2 ABH motor. I am pretty certain that I shall keep this car and simply get it tidied up body/paint wise. I'm very happy with the brakes. Suspension will be completely overhauled with bushes, mounts, etc. And slightly lowered. but not too much.

My black car, which is currently standard, and carrying some electronics issues affecting injection. Long term, I want to do some minor/major changes to this, including chipping it, and manual transmission.

And then I have the complete electrical system of the dead 4.2 car. both ECU and TCU, wiring looms, etc. I was wondering if it would be worthwhile investigating installing this into the silver car, if an ABT chip or other could be sourced. Or should the whole setup be updated to a coil pack system; a la ABZ style?

Has anyone spoken to ABT directly, about making their 3.6 and 4.2 EEPROM code available?

85 WR quattro
90 V8 Silver, 91 V8 Black, 93 V8 Lago
93 100e quattro V6. Titan, i think