The Oxygen sensor has 3 Wires .
2 in White (Heating)
and 1 in black (data to Eprom) .
Take out this One Wire Cableconecting
OK i will do it
The Spark-amplifter has an Thermofuse of the plate where the Amplifter is . check the Funktion .
OK i will search for the thermofuse.I suppose if the car stops after a few minutes it's because of a thermofuse but i was unable to find it and to fix it
The fault RPM Sensor is normally if the engine is not running .
OK thats right i have read it on SJM
Take direktly the 12 volts on the Spark amplifter . an show whats happen..after 5 minutes . Also look the elektrical Power when the engine runs ...from Start till the end ...ist there in the moment when get off also 12 Volts or more ??
Do you mean directly connect +12 v on the sparks amplifiers ?
Do you mean to plug a Digital Metrix Meter on the spark amplifier ?
My English is not so fine....in the past i must learn russian .....DDR...you now .
My German is not fine too; i did study 5 years at school but was always seated near the window and the radiator ,
Change the Relais for the Fuelpump... there is an Safety logik inside ...when the engine stops in the same Time the Spark get off .
So you mean when i did apply +12 v directly at the pump the safety logic of the relay did stop sparks ?
And you can take an other HAL sensor to test .
OK but i have not another hall sensor, and i did read that with tue V8 motor if the hall sensor is out of order the the TDC take the same function ( Not on the 3B motor: If the Hall sensot is out of order the tue motor won't start)
in the right Bank (zyl 1.4) you have an Hal sensor in the back of the Head .There are one connecting Plugin with 3 Wires . Change the kompletly Spark-Changer (Verteiler) ...
Sorry i have no else verteiler
When i can stand in Front of your Car ...this was a Thing about 5 minutes for me.
I am sure........... and after that a 3 hours eating in a good french restaurant.
Where do you came from ???
South France: NIMES
My wife come from Strasbourg
It is a pity we are so far from each others

Thank you very much for your help, Frank.If that was a faulty old car or motor without electronics like Citroen DS or SM or CX , not a problem for me : Like you a few minutes and it's OK.
See you soon on trhe forum..... and i hope one day somewhere between Heidelbergs and strasbourg!
