verfasst von: jJens Chr. wiring diagram v8 89 - 04.10.2010 06:32
can some one help me, I need a wiring diagram so that I can help my friend with a problem
Jens Chr. Denmark
verfasst von: Tim A. Re: wiring diagram v8 89 - 05.10.2010 08:45
Hi Jens!
There are quite a lot of wiring diagrams existing.
We need to know what the trouble is, to send you the suitable diagram(s).

verfasst von: jJens Chr. Re: wiring diagram v8 89 - 05.10.2010 06:46
Hi Tim
The problem is somthing not working in his instrument for speed/rpm/oilpressure and his washer for the front don't work
Jens Chr.
verfasst von: Tim A. Re: wiring diagram v8 89 - 06.10.2010 09:47
Hi Jens,

the dashboard trouble is often caused in dry joints at the conduction paths of the instrument. You must dismantle and check the instrument.
As you send me your email address (by PM) , I'll send you the suitable diagrams.

Vendlig Hilsen
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