verfasst von: Paul F V8 EVO ...HELP!!! - 24.10.2005 06:59
Hello All,
can anyone help me out...I have purchased what seems to be an Audi V8 EVO this weekend. Does anyone know how I can check if this is a real EVO or not?
I need someone with facts! please help?

So far what I know:
-Year built 10-1991
-motor PT - 3.6
-Has all the spoilers and 17" wheels says "from the factory installed".

verfasst von: Kai E. Re: V8 EVO ...HELP!!! - 24.10.2005 07:53

in this thread you can find an image of an original V8 Evo "KFZ-Brief" ...

Image V8 Evo "KFZ-Brief"
verfasst von: Paul F Re: HOLY S%$##@@@ I bought an EVO! or ..... - 24.10.2005 11:24
A spoiler package! interesting ...yes mine is exactly like this one. Mine is a few months newer but the same car.

Holy cow...Well this is good news for us all.

verfasst von: Jeremy Ward Re: HOLY S%$##@@@ I bought an EVO! or ..... - 24.10.2005 02:35
Congratulations Paul! This is big news! The only other EVO indication that I know of is the "E4V" code on the options sticker in the trunk. See my Options webpage for more details

I can't wait to see some pictures of your new toy!


- Jeremy
verfasst von: Enne Effe Where can I find the EVO spoilers? - 20.12.2005 03:08
Are the Evo spoilers available somewhere?

At any price....

Thanks in advance


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